Personal Learning Time (PLT)

Personal Learning Time
Personal Learning Time (PLT) is relatively new for McRoberts as with the majority of the secondary schools in Richmond. Personalized Learning Time (PLT) is a more open-ended opportunity for students to work either independently or with staff support. Below are some of the principles of PLT.
- All students are encouraged to attend PLT
- Students can be asked to attend important meetings/assemblies given notice from the school. Please refer to the school calendar for dates
- Teachers will be available for 100 minutes per week to support PLT
- Staff PLT/Prep time will be balanced so that half of all teachers are always available to support students on each day.
- The District Policy on Acceptable Use of Student Personal Digital Devices is in effect during PLT
Guiding Principles for PLT at McRoberts:
- Self-Directed, Self-Managed & Self-Regulated
- Build on Individual Passions
- Growth Mindset
- Core Competency Development
- Self-Care, Self-Aware, Physical and Mental Health
Self-Directed & Self-Managed & Self-Regulated
All PLT activities require the active participation of students to self-direct their learning and manage their time and resources.
Build on Individual Passions
PLT will strive to engage learners with activities that are purposeful, and relevant and grow a student’s interests/passions.
Core Competency Development
All PLT activities will further develop the Core Competencies of students. This is done by embedding Core Competencies in all PLT activities as the foundation for all learning during this time.
Growth Mindset
PLT will strive to foster a “growth mindset” in students by ensuring all PLT activities build on a student’s current knowledge and skill set, by offering enriching and enrichment activities during PLT.
Self-Care, Self-Aware, Physical and Mental Health
PLT will strive to provide opportunities for students to gain a deeper appreciation of the importance of self-care, to become more self-aware and provide opportunities to make connections between their physical and mental health
The school is open to all students during PLT time, and teachers are onsite. Students will have access to teachers and departments and a place/space to engage in their learning individually or collaboratively. As we have done this year, the library will always remain open to any student wishing for support. A range of personalized learning opportunities for students might include (not an exhaustive list):
- Grade-wide assemblies to support student development
- Cross-curricular and/or project-based inquiry
- Students may access support from multiple teachers during PLT to complete projects.
- Students may seek support from their humanities teacher and science teacher to study the science and social policies regarding climate change
- Students may access school technology to prepare for a presentation of their passion project or to prepare for GNA/GLA
- Enrichment and learning support for individuals or small groups.
- Students may seek extra help and/or extend their learning in an area of interest.
- a small group of students preparing for AP exams
- a student seeking further understanding of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission
- a small group of students preparing for a Science Challenge Competition or for Math or Chemistry contests
- Additional learning support.
- Students may access resource teachers outside of assigned class time in a common area.
- Students may seek extra help with an English research project on Wednesday PLT and with Science test preparation on Thursday PLT.
- Students may seek extra help with an English research project on Wednesday PLT and with Science test preparation on Thursday PLT.
- Enhancing language acquisition for ELL students across the curriculum
- ELL students may use this flexible time to further develop and apply their understanding across different subject areas.
- Students may access library computers to learn more about common vocabulary needed to fully understand the content in Explorations 11.
- ELL students may meet with a peer to understand commonly used slang.
- Reflection and Self-assessment of the Core Competencies
- All students are expected to engage with Core Competencies, which can be conducted in different forms.
- Students may submit a reflection after completing a cross-curricular project.
- Students may meet with teachers to set goals for a course.
- Community service and/or work experiences.
- Students may use this time to complete required tasks for community service and/or work experiences.
- Students may meet with supervising teachers for WEX programs like CPHSC 12
- Students may meet with supervising teachers for WEX programs like CPHSC 12
- Fulfillment of CLC and Capstone graduation requirements
- Students may use this time to complete required tasks for graduation.
- Students may meet with CLC teachers or their peers to discuss and complete their Capstone projects
- Students may meet with CLC teachers to discuss an assignment
- Support for Learning Completion Plans, incomplete assignments, etc.
- Teachers can ask students to come in to make up missed work or to redo work that has not met the learning standards for the course
- Students may seek help from their teacher after receiving an interim report and/or report card.
- Teachers may make PLT mandatory for students to catch up to fulfill learning completion.