Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)
We are excited for the 2024-2025 school year! We invite all parents to join this year's PAC. Meetings take place on the second Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm in the school library.
- September 11
- October 9
- November 13
- January 8
- February 12
- April 9
- May 14
The brief descriptions below outline the roles for each position on the PAC.
1. Chair
- sets an agenda for each meeting (there will be 8 meetings, each 1 hour long)
- chairs and directs meeting
- reviews and directs incoming mail
2. Secretary
- records minutes of each meeting
- updates PAC binder of minutes
- reviews and directs incoming mail
3. Treasurer
- maintains and updates records of PAC finances
- submits application for Direct Access Grant
- submits gaming account summary report to BC Gaming Policy and Enforcement
4. Members-at-Large
- parents who are interested in attending meetings to keep up to date with school events and PAC
- can assist PAC Executive wherever necessary