Student Attendance
Parents/Guardians are asked to phone the school’s Early Warning system at 604.668.6600 (Press 1) if your child is going to be away, or will be late. |
Please provide the following information:
• your name and phone number
• student's first and last name, student number
• details about student absence or late (i.e., date of absence, duration of late/absence).
ABSENCES MUST BE CONFIRMED BY A PARENT OR GUARDIAN. The School Early Warning system will call a parent/guardian to confirm a student’s absence from school each day unless a telephone call is made by the parent/guardian prior to 8:30 a.m.
If parents/guardians have not phoned the school regarding an absence, students are required, upon their return to school, to present a written note to the School Office stating the date(s) and reason for absence.