Core Competencies
Updated: Feb 6, 2025
As required by the Ministry of Education, all students must complete a self-assessment on core competencies 3 times this year. During your Block C class on Thurs, Feb 6 your classroom teacher will guide you through a presentation to prepare you for this term’s reflection.
All students must complete and submit their self-reflection through an online submission by Tuesday, Feb 13 at 4:00 PM. It is strongly recommended that students complete this submission as soon as possible using the link below to complete the online submission.
Click here to access the online form (opens Oct 30) to complete the online submission. You will need your Teams/District login (i.e., to access the document.
Students are expected to answer each question honestly and to the best of their abilities. The submission should take 15-30 minutes, but students can take as much time as they need to complete the submission. At the end of the survey, ensure you click ‘submit’ where you will see a message indicating that you have completed the online form.
If you need to refer to the information provided during class, click here to view the video presentation.
If you have any questions, please contact the school office (