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Core Competencies

Updated: May 22, 2024

As required by the Ministry of Education, all students must complete a self-assessment on core competencies 3 times this year.  During Block A on Wednesday, May 29 classroom teachers will guide students through a presentation to prepare them for this term’s reflection. 

All students must complete and submit their self-reflection through online submission by Tuesday, June 4 at 4:00 PM.  It is strongly recommended that students complete this submission as soon as possible.  Click here to watch the instructional video on how to access Portal 38/Scholantis E-portfolio.

Click here to log into Portal 38/Scholantis E-portfolio to complete the online submission.  You will need your Portal/Teams login to access the document (i.e., 

All student login information can be found on our Homepage > Students > Student Login.  For this submission, you will be using Portal 38/E-Portfolio as referenced in the image below.

When students access the Word document in their e-portfolio, they can type directly in the document and their information will be automatically saved.  Students are expected to answer each question honestly and to the best of their abilities.  The submission should not take longer than 30 minutes, but students can take as much time as they need to complete the submission.  Once students have completed the online submission, the information will be saved permanently on the e-portfolio and parents will receive an invitation email to view this submission when report cards are published.

If you need to refer to the information provided during class, click here to view the video presentation. 


If you have any questions, please contact the school office.