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District Concussion Protocol

- How a concussion is handled in the minutes, hours, and days after injury can SIGNIFICANTLY influence the extent of damage and recovery from this injury.
- Despite numerous community sporting associations with protocols, most school districts do not have concussion protocols. So, we (Richmond School District) are trailblazers, in this regard.
- Specific work and consultation was done with CATT (Concussion Awareness Training Tool) Online, Children's Hospital (and Dr. Shelina Babul & Kate Turcotte), BC Injury Research and Preventions, and more.
- This protocol is intended to be beyond just athletics, as concussions can occur anywhere in our buildings and sites.
- CATT is aimed at helping educate medical professionals, coaches, athletes, parents and school staff. Teachers need to be aware of return to school and return to learn protocols too.
- As of Fall 2021, all coaches of school teams are required to take the online and free course ( to have basic ‘certification’. In addition, we can encourage sponsors, parents, and students to complete the course too.